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How can I export my shipment activity into a CSV file?

Simplify reporting and download all your shipment activity to a CSV file using the SwagUp Platform

Helen Rankin avatar
Written by Helen Rankin
Updated over 2 years ago

Do you need a log of your previous shipments? SwagUp makes it easy to get a CSV file of all of your shipments.

First, log into your SwagUp account and navigate to the Shipment tabs.

In the right corner of your screen, you should see the Export Shipments option.

If you click the link, you will be able to download all your shipment activity to date as a CSV file.

Want to get more specific? Use the filters to the left of the link ("Status" and "Placed") to filter your shipment activity down to only the shipments you need data on. Now, when you hit Export Shipments, your CSV file should contain only the shipment activity resulting from the filters.

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