Collecting Recipient Information
Helen Rankin avatar
Written by Helen Rankin
Updated over a week ago

Tips for successfully collecting recipient information.

Why do I need recipient information?

You'll need to collect recipient information (i.e. shirt sizes, mailing addresses, etc.) in order to send out swag.

How do I collect recipient information?

Our number 1 recommended way to collect recipient information is to use SwagUp's redeem page option!

Choose between a collection or autoship form depending on the status of your order and send it to your organization or team! This is a free option that is included with your SwagUp purchase.

Alternative options

Each organization has their own means to store or manage this information. SwagUp generally recommends checking in with your HR and/or People Operations team to see if they have this information stored somewhere (think BambooHR, Oracle HR, Gusto, Workday, etc.) before beginning the process to collect this information yourself.

If you don't have easy access to your recipient information, the next steps are using a form to collect this information.

Using a survey form to collect recipient information

Both free and paid survey platforms like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, and Typeform exist to easily collect information. We recommend using one of these tools to set up your form to collect using information.

Dropdown vs Freeform (open-ended) field types

Survey tools provide different options for field types, including dropdown versus freeform fields.

Free form, or open-ended fields generally allow a recipient to enter an open-ended response:

Dropdown fields generally lock a recipient in to one of the provided response options:

Depending on the question asked, we'll recommend one field type versus another.

Required questions for your survey

To send out SwagUp packs, we require the following information for our shipping carriers (FedEx, UPS, DHL, USPS):

Recipient Field

Required Field Type

Why do you require this information?

First Name

Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery

Last Name

Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery

Apparel Size

Dropdown, we suggest you create a dropdown list with the following options:


Note: provide the dropdown list based on the final apparel size availability provided by your SwagUp representative.

SwagUp requires to send out the correct size

Apparel Gender

Dropdown, we suggest you create a dropdown list with the following options:


If you've selected gender-specific swag, SwagUp requires this information to send out correct apparel


Freeform / Open-ended

SwagUp requires in the event of shipping issues

Phone Number

Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery

Street Address

Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery

Apt/Suite/Floor Number

Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery


Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery


Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery

Zip/Postal Code

Freeform / Open-ended

Carrier requires for delivery

Shipping Country

Dropdown, we suggest you create a dropdown list with the countries provided in this document.

Carrier requires for delivery

Note: it is important that each field listed above is set up as its own field. For example, both First Name and Last Name must be separate question fields.

What if I'm shipping internationally?

It’s important to remind those filling out the form that their information must include what is listed on their government-issued ID. This is particularly important for customs and shipping to places like India.

What to expect once my survey is ready for use?

We've created these easy steps when creating your survey but be sure to visit your selected tool's support/help articles to troubleshoot as each tool may have different best practices.

  1. Create your survey

  2. Be sure to specify between dropdown and freeform (open-ended) questions based on the above-required questions

  3. Publish your survey and send the link out to your recipients

  4. Once all your recipients have submitted their information, feel free to close out your survey to prevent additional responses and download the responses CSV.

  5. Be prepared to upload that CSV on the SwagUp Dashboard.

Uploading a recipient CSV on the SwagUp Dashboard

Click here to learn more about uploading a CSV for shipping on the SwagUp Dashboard.

For more questions on getting on started with collecting recipient information, please use your preferred survey tool's support center. If you run into issues uploading a recipient CSV, please reach out to our customer care team by opening up the chat!

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