All shipments are subject to review by the SwagUp Logistics Team to ensure they adhere to the following guidelines. Any shipments that do not adhere to these restrictions will be flagged and the SwagUp Care Team will contact your team to discuss next steps on how to move forward.
🚨 UPDATE: Bulk international shipments are currently experiencing delays in compliance review and processing. Please reach out to the Care Team ( if you have any questions about your pending shipment.
Full Legal Name of Recipient
Full Address in English alphabet (no symbols/characters)
Valid phone number and email address for the RECIPIENT
If you are shipping internationally, most countries have a KYC Process (see Country-Specific section here) and recipients will be contacted by the carrier/customs of that country to verify one or several identifying details to complete the shipment and ensure successful delivery.
It is imperative that the recipient is aware that a shipment is being sent to them in advance and to look out for communications from the carrier on behalf of customs, and they must respond promptly with all required information.
Any shipments deemed undeliverable due to incorrect recipient information submitted, unresponsive recipient, or recipient refusal to comply with
KYC process will be excluded from Shipping Protection
and cannot be claimed for credit.
These are items that cannot be shipped by SwagUp based on the following locations.
SwagUp does not currently support the shipment of the following items to any location:
• Alcohol (drinks, wipes, cleansers, etc.)
• More than One Hazmat Item within the same pack or shipment to one address (AirPods, Chargers, items including lithium battery)
• Ivory or Ivory Products
• Tobacco
• Weapons (Swiss army knife, letter opener, nail tools, etc.)
SwagUp does not currently support the shipment of the following items anywhere internationally:
• Anything for human or pet consumption (Pills, gum, mints, coffee, tea, spices, beverage powders, etc.)
• Aerosols
• Animal Hide products (Leather, snakeskin, etc.)
• Beverages
• Candles
• Cosmetics (Chapstick, sunscreen, lotion, etc.)
• Food (Candy, snacks, hot sauce, etc.)
• Gold or other precious metals (Coins, medals, etc.)
• Hand Sanitizers and flammable liquids (Bug repellent, hair spray, etc.)
• Pet food/treats
• Plants (Including seeds & seed paper)
• Power banks
• Pre-kitted Items (gift sets, survival kits, etc.)
• Wood items (Bamboo, items with wood accents, wooden stickers, etc.)
SwagUp does not currently support the shipment of the following Brands anywhere internationally:
New Era
The North Face
FOR ALL COUNTRIES: The Consignee (person or business entity receiving the shipment) must be a citizen of or do business in the destination country.
If shipping to an Individual, they must have destination country’s TAX ID (in US it's the SS number with which taxes are filed).
If shipping to an Entity, they have to have TAX ID (registered business ID with which they file taxes as a company).
**Any Person traveling to destination country for an event who is not a legal resident of that country WILL NOT be able to clear shipment through customs themselves.**
Please contact your AE/AM/Live Chat if you have any questions about this BEFORE placing your order for bulk items that you plan to ship internationally if you do not have a resident or business entity in that country to receive it and clear it in customs.
Country-Specific Requirements
SwagUp currently ships to most countries, but there are many that cannot be shipped to at this time. Please read carefully and educate yourself on all requirements and restrictions for the countries you plan on shipping to before placing your order.
Country Code | Country | Can SwagUp Ship Here? | Restricted Items | KYC Requirements | Special Notes |
AF | Afghanistan | Yes |
AL | Albania | No |
DZ | Algeria | Yes |
AS | American Samoa | No |
AD | Andorra | No |
AO | Angola | No |
AI | Anguilla | Yes |
AG | Antigua | Yes |
AR | Argentina | Yes |
| CUIT/CUIL # and forms; Recipient CUIL required |
AM | Armenia | No |
AW | Aruba | Yes |
AU | Australia | Yes |
AT | Austria | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water |
AZ | Azerbaijan | No |
BS | Bahamas | Yes |
BH | Bahrain | Yes | No lithium ion batteries | Requires recipient ID verification |
BD | Bangladesh | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient |
BB | Barbados | Yes |
AG | Barbuda | Yes |
BY | Belarus | No |
BE | Belgium | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water | EORI number potentially |
BZ | Belize | Yes |
BJ | Benin | No |
BM | Bermuda | Yes |
| Purchase Receipt Required; No PO box addresses; ID Number required for recipient |
BT | Bhutan | Yes |
BO | Bolivia | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient |
BQ | Bonaire | No |
BA | Bosnia-Herzegovina | Yes |
BW | Botswana | Yes |
BR | Brazil | Yes* |
| Tax ID(CPF)/CUIT/CUIL # required for recipient | *Below $3000 USD only otherwise must be paid by recipient |
VG | British Virgin Islands | No |
BN | Brunei | Yes |
BG | Bulgaria | No |
BF | Burkina Faso | Yes |
BI | Burundi | No |
KH | Cambodia | Yes |
CM | Cameroon | Yes |
CA | Canada | Yes |
CV | Cape Verde | Yes |
KY | Cayman Islands | Yes |
TD | Chad | Yes |
CL | Chile | Yes |
| Tax ID (RUN)/CUIT/CUIL # required |
CN | China | Yes | Anything over 1000 CNY ($150 USD) must be imported by a company and not an individual and cannot be for personal use | ID Number required for recipient over $140 USD |
CO | Colombia | Yes |
| NIT # may be needed |
CG | Congo | Yes |
CD | Congo, Dem. Rep of | Yes |
CK | Cook Islands | No |
CR | Costa Rica | Yes |
HR | Croatia | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient |
CW | Curacao | Yes |
CY | Cyprus | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient |
CZ | Czech Republic | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient | EORI number for recipient business required; ID number required for B2C shipments |
DK | Denmark | Yes |
DJ | Djibouti | No |
DM | Dominica | Yes |
DO | Dominican Republic | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
TL | East Timor (Timor-Leste) | No |
EC | Ecuador | Yes |
EG | Egypt | Yes | No import of gifts or personal shipments over $2000 | ID Number for recipient |
SV | El Salvador | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
ER | Eritrea | No |
EE | Estonia | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient |
ET | Ethiopia | Yes |
FO | Faeroe Islands | No |
FJ | Fiji | No |
FI | Finland | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water | ID Number required for recipient |
FR | France | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water |
GF | French Guyana | No |
PF | French Polynesia | No |
GA | Gabon | Yes |
GM | Gambia | Yes |
GE | Georgia, Republic of | No |
DE | Germany | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water | May require a purchase receipt: ID Number required for recipient; German law requires recipient to act as IOR via a POA signed for each shipment | EORI number for recipient business required; ID number required for B2C shipments |
GH | Ghana | Yes |
GI | Gibraltar | No |
GR | Greece | No |
GL | Greenland | No |
GD | Grenada | Yes |
GP | Guadeloupe | Yes |
GU | Guam | Yes | No lithium ion batteries |
GT | Guatemala | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
GN | Guinea | Yes |
GY | Guyana | Yes |
HT | Haiti | Yes |
HN | Honduras | Yes |
HK | Hong Kong | Yes |
HU | Hungary | Yes |
IS | Iceland | No |
IN | India | Yes | No Stainless Steel products regardless of brand; No "plush products" like stuffed animals; No bulk shipments (1 pack per address) | Must have a PAN # via KYC w/ matching address proof; Aadhaar/PAN/Voter ID required |
ID | Indonesia | Yes |
| ID Number(NPWP) may be required |
IQ | Iraq | Yes |
IE | Ireland | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water | Proof of Purchase may be required |
IL | Israel | Yes |
| Israel ID Number or Importer VAT # required if over $100 or 5KG; Gift exemption $45 |
IT | Italy | Yes | No cosmetics/chapsticks, etc.; no items that come in contact with food or water | ID Number, tax code/VAT number |
CI | Ivory Coast | Yes |
JM | Jamaica | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
JP | Japan | Yes |
JO | Jordan | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
KZ | Kazahkstan | No |
| ID Number for recipient |
KE | Kenya | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
KR | Korea, South | Yes |
| PCCC # must be listed |
KW | Kuwait | Yes | Any shipment over 1000 KD or over 100 KGS requires special docs from Kuwait | ID Number for recipient |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | No |
LA | Laos | No |
LV | Latvia | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
LB | Lebanon | Yes |
LS | Lesotho | No |
LR | Liberia | No |
LY | Libya | Yes |
LI | Liechtenstein | Yes |
LT | Lithuania | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
LU | Luxembourg | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water |
MO | Macau | Yes |
MK | Macedonia | No |
MG | Madagascar | Yes |
MW | Malawi | Yes |
MY | Malaysia | Yes | No personal use electronics or SIRIM import permit needed |
MV | Maldives, republic of | Yes |
ML | Mali | Yes |
MT | Malta | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water |
MH | Marshall Islands | No |
MQ | Martinique | Yes |
MR | Mauritania | Yes |
MU | Mauritius | Yes |
MX | Mexico | Yes |
| AML Law requires individual an business verification via a KYC process; Recipient ID required |
FM | Micronesia | No |
MD | Moldova | Yes |
MC | Monaco | Yes |
MN | Mongolia | No |
ME | Montenegro | No |
MS | Montserrat | No |
MA | Morocco | Yes |
MZ | Mozambique | Yes |
NA | Namibia | Yes |
NP | Nepal | Yes |
NL | Netherlands | Yes | No items that come into contact with food or water |
NC | New Caledonia | No |
NZ | New Zealand | Yes |
NI | Nicaragua | Yes |
NE | Niger | Yes |
NG | Nigeria | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
NO | Norway | Yes |
| Personal ID Number may be required |
OM | Oman | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
PK | Pakistan | Yes |
| Must be registered via PK Customs portal; National IdentitYes Card copYes; Sales Tax Registration Certificate |
PW | Palau | No |
PS | Palestine | No |
PA | Panama | Yes |
PG | Papua New Guinea | No |
PY | Paraguay | Yes |
PE | Peru | Yes | No Cosmetics, chapsticks, etc. | Consumer Tax ID (DNI) may be required |
PH | Philippines | Yes |
PL | Poland | Yes |
| Over 150 EUR ID number required for B2C shipments |
PT | Portugal | No |
| ID Number required for recipient |
US | Puerto Rico | Yes |
QA | Qatar | Yes | NO DG items at all | QID # required |
RE | Reunion | Yes |
RO | Romania | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient | EORI number for recipient business required; ID number required for B2C shipments |
RW | Rwanda | Yes |
BQ | Saba | No |
MF | Saint Martin | Yes |
WS | Samoa | No |
SM | San Marino | Yes |
SA | Saudi Arabia | Yes | No electronics or battery items; Over $2600 shipments requires formal COO and a Certificate of Conformity (COC) | Valid Company Registration (CR) and register the carrier for each shipment for them; copy of National ID Card |
SN | Senegal | Yes |
RS | Serbia | No |
SC | Seychelles | Yes |
SG | Singapore | Yes |
BQ | Sint Eustatius | No |
SX | Sint Maarten | Yes |
SK | Slovakia | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient |
SI | Slovenia | No |
| ID Number required for recipient |
ZA | South Africa, Republic of | Yes |
| Over $28 USD South African ID # required; Importers Code for registered Companies must be |
ES | Spain | Yes | No Cosmetics, chapsticks, etc. No products that will come into contact with food or water unless a Sanitary Import License is held by the RECEIVER | ID Number required for recipient; Over $75 require Citizenship Number or the company's VAT # |
LK | Sri Lanka | Yes |
GP | St Barthelemy | Yes |
KN | St Kitts and Nevis | Yes |
LC | St. Lucia | Yes |
VC | St. Vincent | Yes |
| *Shipment of a value below $50 USD only |
SR | Suriname | Yes |
SZ | Swaziland | Yes |
SE | Sweden | Yes |
| ID Number required for recipient |
CH | Switzerland | Yes |
TW | Taiwan | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
TZ | Tanzania | Yes |
TH | Thailand | Yes |
TG | Togo | Yes |
TO | Tonga | No |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | Yes |
| *Shipment of a value below $3000 USD only |
TN | Tunisia | Yes |
TR | Turkey | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | Yes |
UG | Uganda | Yes |
UA | Ukraine | Yes |
AE | United Arab Emirates | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
GB | United Kingdom | Yes | Nothing made in Iran containing textiles; no video transmitting items; designer goods | May require Purchase receipt |
US | United States of America | Yes |
UY | Uruguay | Yes |
| ID Number for recipient |
UZ | Uzbekistan | No |
| Recipient Tax ID # or National Identification Card copy |
VU | Vanuatu | No |
VA | Vatican City State | Yes |
VE | Venezuela | Yes |
| RIF/ID Number for recipient |
VN | Vietnam | Yes |
VI | Virgin Islands (US) | Yes |
WF YE | Wallis Yemen, Republic of | No |
YE | Yemen, Republic of | Yes |
ZM | Zambia | Yes |
| Letter of authority required |
ZW | Zimbabwe | Yes | No clothing or textile items; No toys |