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Orders Tab

See a history of all your swag projects in the SwagUp Platform from the Orders tab.

Helen Rankin avatar
Written by Helen Rankin
Updated over 2 years ago

To view your current and previous orders, you'll need to navigate to the orders tab of the Dashboard. From the SwagUp Platform, click on the Orders tab at the top of the page.

In your requested tab, you'll see orders that are currently in progress. You'll approve mock-ups and get updates on where the order is in terms of the design process here.

To view your order history, click on the Completed tab underneath the Orders heading.

You will see a list of your recently completed orders. At a glance, you can see the order date, who ordered the swag, and the total cost of the order.

When you click "view details" you'll get a full picture of what was ordered.

If you liked a swag project you did in the past, you can re-order more directly from your order history by clicking on Re-order. You can also just re-order individual items in a swag project.

For a swag project order with more than 3 items, click on "Show _ more item(s)"

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